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Title: Life Promises Life
Author: Vincent Nagle
ISBN: 0982356110
Price: 15.00
Publisher: Human Adventure Books
Publication Date: May 1, 2009
Format: Paperback
Pages: 116
"Jesus did not eliminate human suffering: He came to suffer together with us." With these words Fr. Vincent Nagle introduces his readers to his work in the hospital where he has served for years as chaplain. Trite phrases just don't cut it when families are confronted by the mystery of suffering. "When I go into a hospital room, I go in with a broken heart, willing to share this adventure with these patients whose very selves are broken apart by illness. I don't want to give them false comfort, but real hope." Brief and intense fragments of hospital life are alternated with the fascinating story of Fr. Vincent's own journey to faith and the priesthood. "When I understood that in order to be truly alive I needed to return to the faith, my condition was that God not let me be separated from the difficulties of life." And God took More...
Title: The Tidings Brought to Mary
Author: Paul Claudel
ISBN: 0982356102
Price: 15.95
Publisher: Human Adventure Books
Publication Date: 03/01/2009
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
HAB is happy to re-propose after many years Paul Claudel's play The Tidings Brought to Mary, a play in a translation by Louise Morgan Sill. A significant introduction by Luigi Giussani, founder of the Catholic lay ecclesial movement of Communion and Liberation, helps the reader to be drawn more deeply into the drama of the play and to find described there the drama which faces each of us. Pope Benedict XVI once made the point that world history is a struggle between two kinds of love: "self-love to the point of hatred for God, and love of God to the point of self-renunciation. This second love brings the redemption of the world and the self." This is the claim, the proposal of the play The Tidings Brought to Mary. After nearly a hundred years, as we watch this Infinite Love generate the play's heroic characters, we find ourselves begging in More...
Title: Together On The Road
Author: Massimo Camisasca
ISBN: 0982356129
Price: 15.00
Publisher: Human Adventure Books
Publication Date: May 4, 2010
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
"Together on the Road" offers a fresh vision of Christian community rooted in friendship with one another and with Christ. Its engaging reflections encourage us to reject the widespread isolation, loneliness, and activism that mark contemporary life, and to embrace a renewed sense of belonging to each other in Christ as the most wonderful event of our lives. In particular, Massimo Camisasca invites priests to renew their passion for living and giving themselves in communion with one another. He candidly admits: "Priestly fraternity has helped me discover that friendship is an answer to my deepest desires."Essential for priests, men and women religious, and those committed to community, it also offers all believers a compelling model of lived Christianity, one that celebrates a purposeful, passionate belonging to the Church, and that believes absolutely in its future.
Title: The Challenge of Fatherhood
Author: Massimo Camisasca
ISBN: 0982356137
Price: 12.00
Publisher: Human Adventure Books
Publication Date: 9/25/2009
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 118
"The world needs fathers, and Christ wants us to become fathers, an echo as it were of He who gave us existence and the light to live by, He who has saved us from nothingess and has opened the door to the greatest adventure there is: forgiveness. We are called to meet men and women everywhere and without fear, as traveling companions. We are called to be the embrace which does not hold back before the sick, the elderly, children, the abandoned, the dying. With them, we begin to experience the revelation of the glorious life which has no end."
Title: Father, Will there still be priests in the Church's future?
Author: Massimo Camisasca
ISBN: 978098235619
Price: 15.00
Publisher: Human Adventure Books
Publication Date: March 01. 2012
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 134
A blueprint for reform in the Catholic Church. The author draws on twenty-five years at the head of a young missionary order which he founded, and proposes a road forward out of the quagmire the Catholic Church and its priests find themselves in today. "Will there still be priests in the Church's future? Has not the time come for us to humbly inquire into the direction change should take?" So writes Mons. Massimo Camisasca. He dedicates nearly half of his book to silence, prayer, liturgy, and the Mass, and then moves on to discuss several commonly underdeveloped themes (study, fatherhood, common life, and friendship). He closes with three chapters on hot-button issues (virginity, women, mission) which he treats on the basis of the preceding reflections. With a preface by Mons. Brugues, secretary of the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education.
Title: The Teachers Will Save US
Author: Jose` Rodelgo-Bueno
ISBN: 97809823561
Price: 14.99
Publisher: Human Adventure Books
Publication Date: 8/17/12
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 238
The Teachers Will Save U.S. is an inspiration for American teachers. “The economic crisis and the tumultuous international climate have propelled teachers into the forefront, making them indispensable in the struggle to save our children and our nation. In their hands rests the American dream, economic progress, social stability, and world peace.”According to Dr. Rodelgo, we are living a crisis that is much more than just economic, political, or social; it is a human crisis. Therefore, educators have a crucial role because it is through education that we can address the crisis. Many school leaders would like to implement an education that can respond effectively to the challenges of the twenty-first century. However, it is difficult to know how to do so. The issue at hand is finding the appropriate method of education. In this country, many educational reforms have been implemented in the last hundred years, but these reforms More...
Title: Rediscovered Face of Jesus
Author: Meeting of Rimini
ISBN: 978-09823561
Price: 30.00
Publisher: Human Adventure Books
Publication Date: 12/13/2013
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
There is a long and sacred history of venerating the holy images of our Lord, Jesus Christ. At Christmas time, we in- cense the Holy Infant in the manger and re- call his humility and love. During Lent we walk with devotion through the Stations of the Cross, tracing the steps that lead to our salvation. And on Easter morning we stand before the empty tomb, filled with awe in the presence of the Angels at the wondrous works that God has done. Images of Christ have the power to move our hearts, they can catechize without words and allow us to contemplate the beautiful face of God revealed in His own Son. - Cardinal Sean O'Malley, From the Introduction
Title: The Silence of Mary
Author: Ignacio Larranaga (Author), Villecco David (Translator)
ISBN: 978-19414570
Price: 14.99
Publisher: Human Adventure Books
Publication Date: September 1, 2015
Format: Paperback
Among the sixteen books written by the gifted Capuchin priest Ignacio Larran aga (1928-2013), The Silence of Mary is the best sold, printed in forty editions and twelve languages. The personality and history of the mother of Jesus has been reconstructed by means of a penetrating analysis based solidly on the canonical Scriptures without appealing to traditions or apocryphal writings. Although Catholic in its orthodoxy, Larran aga's description is valid for Christians of all denominations, which makes this book a sound basis for ecumenical dialog. Born and ordained a priest in Spain, the Capuchins sent him to the province of the Order of Capuchin Friars Minor in Chile at the age of thirty-one. In his eagerness for all to get a deep God experience, he traveled to many countries giving conferences and organizing courses and workshops. The Prayer and Life Workshops, which he founded, met with great success in the United More...
Title: Miguel Manara
Author: Oscar Vladislas de Milosz
ISBN: 978194145703
Price: 12.00
Publisher: Human Adventure Books
Publication Date: 12/25/16
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 96
Miguel Mañara, written 1912, is undoubtedly Milosz’s best known work. It is the story of the original Don Juan, who ended his days in a monastery following a disordered life. It is a play in six acts, which tells the story of a nobleman of that name. It is a story of dissatisfaction of the human heart with a life of selfish instinctivity, a story of conversion. It is a story of how a true love opens a path towards the reconciliation of the heart with all things. It is a story of the journey of a human heart to holiness. Oscar Vladislas de Milosz was born in Lithuania in 1877 and died at Fontainebleau, Paris in 1939. He is the author of many works but is little known in the English-speaking world. He wrote drama, poetry, and prose. He treated subjects including philosophy, politics, archeology and biblical exegesis.
Title: What Is Christian in Christianity?: A Journey to the Heart of the Christian Experience
Author: Lorenzo Albacete
ISBN: 978-19414571
Price: 14.95
Publisher: Human Adventure Books
Publication Date: 1/15/19
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 242
Encounter with Monsignor Lorenzo Albacete through a selection of his teachings and homilies.
Title: Convicted by Mercy: The Journey of Frank Simmonds from the Streets to Sanctity (Extraordinary Lives)
Author: Rita A. Simmonds
ISBN: 978-19414571
Price: 18.00
Publisher: Human Adventure Books
Publication Date: December 31, 2019
Format: Paperback
Pages: 300
This riveting book by Rita Simmonds tells the true story of a saint. A saint who was a crack addict. A saint who was a shoplifter and did time. A saint who once lived in a cardboard shack on the roughest streets of New York City. A saint who, one cold night, told God that he would serve him for the rest of his life, and who was able to make good on that promise in the most extraordinary of ways. And yet, this is not the tale of a man who was “bad” and became “good.” Rather, it is the story of a long and transformative relationship, between a man and his God. It is the story of an ordinary New Yorker named Frank Simmonds, who had an extraordinary and unbiased openness to what was good in his life, and who allowed himself to be slowly but radically transformed, More...
Title: Education
Author: Julian Carron
ISBN: 978-19414571
Price: 6.00
Publisher: HAB
Publication Date: 1/27/2021
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 96
Julian Carron, President of Communion and Liberation proposes the thesis that those who educate are not those who make propaganda, but those who are committed to rousing something in a young person, to setting freedom in motion.
Title: Changing the Equation: Christ Changes Everything
Author: Michael Carvill
ISBN: 1941457126
Price: 25.00
Publisher: Human Adventure Books
Publication Date: March 2022
Format: Paperback
“Fr. Michael Carvill speaks as a true pastor, feeding God’s people by unpacking the Word with clarity and conviction. I recommend these sermons to all who are seeking greater intimacy with the Lord by entering more deeply into the great mysteries of the liturgical year.” Most Rev. Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila The eighth bishop for the Archdiocese of Denver